Digital and sustainable enterprising skills for NEETS from marginalized communities


Eurofound study suggests that in the EU at least one-third of NEETs are at risk of social exclusion. This estimate is based on the widely held view that long-term disengagement from the labour market can be a driver of future poor employment outcomes and carries the risk of disengagement.

About half of the NEET population are economically inactive and not looking for a job, with large variations across the EU Member States. Young people’s background is a determining factor in becoming NEET. Those with low educational attainment are three times more likely to become NEETs, as, given the competitiveness of the job market, employers are more likely to hire those with an attainted tertiary education. Those with a migration background are more at risk, as with young people with a disability or health issue. Young women with family responsibilities are also disproportionately represented among NEETs.

Lowering youth unemployment and aiming to effectively engage as many of Europe’s young people as possible in the world of work, is at the heart of the EU policy agenda.

Complementary, digital enterprising skills with environmental sustainability impact are deemed to be the next generation of sustainable business facilitators for supporting the Green Deal implementation of the EU Commission (EC, 2021) and therefore, an up to date NEET competence building framework should heavily rely on such skills. Therefore, ENTRENEET aims to provide EU’s NEETs with the right skills to succeed in nowadays business environment while providing them with better chances of acquiring (impact) investment and public support for their digital, sustainable & responsible business ideas.


ENTRENEET will develop:
3 Regional Youth Training Centres on Digital & Sustainable Entrepreneurship (DSE) for NEETs (18-29 years old) in Greece, Spain and Romania that will offer non-formal micro-credential certifications for youth (to motivate them to engage/get trained).

3 DSE-related training modules (with non-formal micro-credential certifications) for NEETs:
Digital enterprising skills for NEETs
Integration and community engagement skills for NEETs
Community-driven fundraising for NEETs

Finally, ENTRENEET will train 100 youth actors in Spain, 100 in Greece and 100 in Romania in formats of fast-tracked entrepreneurship academies.



Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

[Project Code: 2022-3-ES02-KA210-YOU-000093384]

entreneet 2023